New Features Found in the Fourth Edition of Subquantum Kinetics

Compared to the third edition of Subquantum Kinetics, this fourth edition contains 137 pages of additional material, including 63 new photos and diagrams (many in color), and 5 new tables.  Active links throughout the book link to downloadable papers and movie simulations.

In Chapter 4 ­ The Emergence of Particles and Fields:
· Derivation of a value for the electrogravitic coupling constant.
· Embedded links that take you to web videos showing graphical simulations of the Model G reaction-diffusion system forming dissipative solitons (subatomic particles), etc.
· Review of the work of other researchers who have simulated dissipative solitons.

In Chapter 5 ­ Fields and Forces:
· Exploration of the idea that particle spin plays a key role as the nuclear binding force.

In Chapter 6 ­ Energy Wave Behavior:
· Addition of a new section explaining quantum entanglement in the context of subquantum kinetics (SQK). It is shown that radial oscillation of the subatomic particle's periodic field pattern establishes linear soliton links between particles capable of transmitting orientation information at superluminal speed. Implications for telepathy and telekinesis are considered.


In Chapter 7 ­ The Cosmological Redshift (two new sections):
· Addition of a third angular-size redshift test which uses spiral galaxy angular size as a distance measure out to redshift z = 3. The result favors the tired-light model to a high precision.
· Addition of a new section examining evidence for the spatial variation of criticality in space producing regions where photon redshifting dominates in galactic voids and where photon blueshifting dominates in galaxy clusters and superclusters.
· A discussion of the Hubble Flow in the neighborhood of the Local Group of galaxies.
· An explanation for the blueshifting seen in the vicinity of the Milky Way and Local Group.
· An examination of photon blueshifting in the vicinity of the Virgo supercluster.
· An explanation of the Finger-of-God effect, a type of redshift space distortion exhibited by galactic voids.
· An explanation of the Kaiser pancacking effect and Finger-of God effect, a type of blueshift space distortion exhibited by galaxy superclusters.
· An explanation of why dark matter is no longer needed to explain the coherence of galaxy clusters.
· A discussion of the ring patterns seen in the WMAP CMBR data and their resemblance to dissipative space structures.
· An explanation of the 3 K background radiation as being produced by very high energy electrons which comprise the hot component of the WHIM (Warm Hot Intergalactic Medium).

In Chapter 8 ­ Matter Creation (three new sections):
· An improvement of the matter creation rate equation (Eqn. 8-1) with the inclusion of a temperature variable.
· New estimation of the Sun's net rate of internal matter creation.
· New estimates of the diameter, average mass density, average internal temperature, and matter creation rate of Sgr A*.
· Introduction of the concept of parthenogenic nucleosynthesis in intergalactic space and low mass stars, and why the progression leading from hydrogen to higher atomic masses stops at helium-4.
· Discussion of how parthenogenic nucleosynthesis within upper main sequence stars supplements nuclear fusion in the production of higher mass nuclei.
· Illustration of the nucleon spin alignments in various atomic nuclei.
· Discussion of the Lyman alpha forest and WHIM as evidence of the continuous creation of matter in intergalactic space.
· Discussion of how the diffuse X-ray background is energized by the beta decay emission from neutrons continually nucleating in space and how this in turn is responsible for producing the 3 K microwave background radiation.
· Discussion of the progressive temperature rise of the WHIM over the past 23 billion years and why galactic core explosions cannot account for this, but that continuous matter creation can.
· Discussion of the Cosmic Web and how subquantum kinetics (SQK) Model G is able to account for this vast structure.
· Discussion of Lyman alpha blobs and their source of illumination being beta particles from the beta decay of neutrons being continuously created in space.
· Discussion of immense gravity wells detected by gravitational lensing that are present in galaxy clusters but are devoid of galaxies. Evidence that these empty gravity wells are nucleating matter (neutrons) and generating X-ray and radio emission from the production of relativistic beta particles.
· Discussion of how the continuous creation galaxy growth model of SQK was anticipated in the writings of Edwin Hubble and Sir James Jeans.
· Evidence that stars gradually move radially outward from the center of a spiral galaxy.
· Evidence that metallicity gradients in spiral galaxies support the notion of matter creation and expulsion from their cores.
· Evidence that dwarf elliptical galaxies are precursors of spiral galaxies, in support of the continuous creation scenario.
· Evidence that giant elliptical galaxies are evolutionary successors of spiral galaxies.
· Evidence that a galactic core can fission and eject a daughter core which with growth can form a daughter galaxy.
· Evidence that globular clusters evolve into dwarf spheroidal galaxies, as predicted by SQK.
· Evidence that galactic cores eject globular star clusters and dwarf spheroidal galaxies suggestive of continuous matter creation proceeding at a high rate in cores.
· Evidence that these polar ejections cause spiral galaxies to evolve into polar ring galaxies which are precursors of giant ellipticals.
· Evidence that the giant elliptical Centaurus A evolved from a spiral galaxy which lies in its equatorial plane.
· Evidence that giant ellipticals tend to form in galaxy cluster cores confirming the predictions of SQK.
· Evidence that giant ellipticals and spirals expel intergalactic gas, in accordance with the continuous matter creation prediction.
· Observations that galaxies have been growing in size from more primordial times.
· Observations that spiral galaxies have been morphing into giant ellipticals since primordial times.
· Observations that the number count density of massive galaxies has been increasing since primordial times.
· Evidence that the radius of massive spheroidal galaxies has been increasing since primordial times.
· Evidence that the mass of supermassive galactic cores has been increasing since primordial times.
· Evidence that the mass of supermassive galactic cores increases in tandem with the mass of their host galaxies.
· Evidence that observational data favors the MOND theory (Modified Newtonian Dynamics) over the notion of dark matter, which is consistent with the predictions of SQK.

In Chapter 9 ­ Genic Energy (two new sections):
· Revision of the planet genic luminosity estimates given in Table 9 and expansion of the table to include genic energy estimates for a neutron star and the Galactic core.
· Upward revision of the photon amplification coefficient so that the genic energy prediction for interplanetary space is consistent with the most recent Pioneer effect findings.
· Modeling of the genic energy production within the Sun as a function of solar radius.
· A discussion of X-ray stars, X-ray pulsars, and magnetars.
· A more in depth discussion of neutron stars and their matter creation rate.
· A discussion of the anomalous redshift of certain quasars.
· More evidence against the existence of black holes.
· Evidence that the Milky Way's supermassive core is not a black hole.
· Estimate for the genic energy luminosity of the Galactic core.
· Modeling of the genic energy production of an 18 solar mass star evolving from helium burning through silicon burning to its core collapse phase. Genic energy during core collapse is shown to provide sufficient energy to account for even the most energetic supernovae.
· A more in depth discussion of galactic core explosions and how matter creation in these cores eventually triggers the onset of their active state.

In Chapter 11 ­ Electrogravitics (one new section):
· Revision of the diagram of Brown's flying disc showing how unbalanced electric forces drive it forward.
· Evidence that the military forbade Brown from publishing his electrogravitic and electrokinetic research findings in scientific journals.
· An in depth discussion of Brown's Paris Experiments and a review of the recently disclosed Project Montgolfier report with new photos.
· Evidence that as early as 1957 Brown was flying ten foot diameter discs energized at 300 kv.
· Disclosure by the author of a way of pulsing Brown's asymmetrical capacitor levitator using LC oscillation.

Advancement of the theory which developed after the 4th edition was finalized:

Subquantum kinetics can now explain the formation of electron Cooper pairs whose formation makes superconductivity possible.  SQK proposes that Cooper pair bonding occurs in the same fashion as nuclear bonding between nucleons.  That is, it proposes that this bonding is due to spin ether vortex entrainment between electrons situated at close proximity to one another.  Just as the proton-neutron bond in the deuteron can have either a singlet state (spin = 0) or triplet state (spin = 1) [see Sec. 5.6 of Subquantum Kinetics], so too Cooper pair bonding can occur either in a singlet or triplet state and exhibit a spin of either 0 or 1.  So Cooper pair bonding is seen to occur in the same fashion as nuclear bonding.  The force of the bond is a billion times weaker in the case of Cooper pair (~10-3 ev) as compared with the nuclear bond (2.2 X 106 ev). Accordingly the separation distance in a Cooper pair is a billion times greater than in a nuclear bond (10-5 to 10-4 cm as compared with 10-13 cm).  Thermal brownian motion at higher temperatures can disrupt the bonds which is why temperatures must be very low for Cooper bonds to form.