The first instance concerns LaViolette's
attempt to post a paper which announced confirmation of a prediction
he had published in 1985, which predicted the phenomenon now
known as the Pioneer Effect, this prediction being made many
years prior to the effect's discovery in the early 1990's. Dr.
LaViolette's paper, entitled "The
Pioneer maser signal anomaly: Possible confirmation of
spontaneous photon blueshifting", is available for examination
and free download.
This paper was a legitimate paper for posting
to for the following reasons:
1) |
was submitted to a journal: The
paper had been submitted for journal publication, and the archive
administrators had been informed of this. The archive states
that one of its purposes is to give authors a chance to communicate
their findings prior to formal acceptance for journal publication. |
2) |
publication track record: The
submitted paper discussed a phenomenon that was predicted by
an established physics theory known as subquantum kinetics. Subquantum
kinetics had previously been published in a refereed journal
of high repute (International Journal of General Systems).
In fact, this journal placed such high esteem in this theory
that it devoted an entire issue to its exposition, printing all
three foundation papers in one issue entitled "Special Issue
on Systems Thinking in Physics." This was followed
by publications in other journals such as the Astrophysical
Journal and Physics
Essays, which explored the astrophysical implications
of the theory. Also subquantum kinetics has had ten of
its predictions now verified; see Predict2.html. |
3) |
Appropriate for the Archive: The
topic of the submitted paper was appropriate since the archive
already had dozens of papers posted on the discovery of the Pioneer
Effect, many of which attempted to offer various unconventional
physics theories as a way to explain it. None of these
posted theories had been proposed a priori. All
were devised a posteori in hindsight. Many of these
papers had not been submitted for publication but were posted
because this section of the archive had evolved into a forum
for discussing this particular phenomenon. None of these
posted papers mentioned the a priori prediction LaViolette
had published in 1985, most being unaware of it. Hence
this discussion forum would have stood to benefit from the knowledge
that an a priori prediction of the Pioneer Effect had
been made. |
4) |
Reported Finding could Make an Important Contribution to Fundamental
Physics: The submitted
paper discussed a quantitative prediction which LaViolette made
as early as March 1980 which predicted that photons should gradually
blueshift and which specified the rate at which this blueshifting
should take place. Also that same year, he had noted that
this effect would be large enough to observe in maser signals
transponded between spacecraft. Furthermore the blueshifting
rate observed in the Pioneer data many years later and discussed
in the posted papers matched the predicted rate to within two
standard deviations, essentially confirming the theory. |
confirmation is a serious affair in physics and is recognized
as a means by which a novel theory is judged to be superior over
existing theories. To thwart the communication of such
an important verification is to essentially thwart the progress
of science. Especially in this case this theory concerns
a fundamental assumption that has wide import for both physics
and astronomy, namely the First Law of Thermodynamics. |
5) |
had well qualified endorsers, including one Nobel Laureate: Three physicists including one Nobel Laureate,
Hans Bethe, have attempted to sponsor LaViolette's paper, attesting
that it is worthy of being posted. Dr. Bethe is one of
the codevelopers of the big bang theory and originator of the
idea that stars are powered by fusion energy. But in all
cases the archive has ignored the attempts of these scientists
to sponsor LaViolette's paper. One of the scientists who
came forth to sponsor LaViolette's paper had earlier posted papers
to the archive on the Pioneer Effect. Hence he was also
well qualified to serve as a sponsor, being particularly knowledgable
on this subject. The Cornell physics archive had posted
endorsement instructions that scientists were to follow in order
to become qualified to post their papers. But even
though he had satisfied these posted requirements many times
over, his efforts to attain registration were nevertheless blocked. |
6) |
is of heated interest: The paper
submitted for posting is on a topic that is of interest to both
the physics and astrophysics community, namely the Pioneer Effect.
Since standard physics theories have been unable to account
for this blueshifting effect, it has generated considerable interest,
and as a result many articles have been written about its discovery
in the press. Consequently, any theory that can give a
reasonable explanation of the effect would be of great interest
not only to the scientific community but to the general public
as well. |
Team have not acknowledged prediction in their publications: Paul LaViolette had made several attempts to
contact the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) scientists who discoverered
the Pioneer Effect to inform them about the subquantum kinetics
a priori prediction, but those team members who announced
this discovery and posted papers about it on the Cornell preprint
archive have not cited his prediction. It is imperative
then that LaViolette be given the opportunity to communicate
his theory's early prediction to this internet archive forum
in order to rectify this past citation omission. |
first time that LaViolette contacted scientists at JPL was in
1980. At that time he told them that his theory predicted
that a blueshifting effect should be observed in spacecraft maser
signal transmissions and told them the amount of blueshifting
that could be expected. John Anderson, who spearheaded
this work at JPL was part of the same group of researchers with
whom LaViolette had spoken. After that Anderson began to
notice the effect in the Pioneer 10 data and finally in 1992
he decided to initiate a formal study of the data. |
second contact was directly with Anderson on September 25th,
1998, one week before he posted his seminal discovery paper on
the physics archive and eleven days before publication of his
paper in Physical
Review Letters. Anderson sounded interested in
LaViolette's blueshifting prediction and had planned to work
out whether the predicted amount could account for the anomaly
they had observed in their data. LaViolette also sent him
a copy of his book Subquantum
Kinetics (first edition) which detailed this prediction
and noted that it had been published as early as 1985. But
neither did Anderson send LaViolette a copy of his forthcoming
paper nor did he contact him. Moreover, Anderson apparently
forgot to mention this a priori prediction in his more
lengthy paper which he published in 2002 in Physical
Review D and posted on the physics archive on January
21st of that year. Neither did he mention anything in another
paper his group posted on the physics archive in 1999. |
Consequently, not only has Paul LaViolette's
Pioneer Effect prediction remained unrecognized in the journal
literature, but his attempts to bring this prediction to the
attention of the scientific community through archive posting
have been met with a closed door. Nevertheless, his paper
has now been accepted for journal publication and is due to come
out shortly. It is disconcerting that the archive administrators
would allow other physicists to post their papers prior to journal
publication and at the same time block LaViolette's repeated
attempts to post his paper.
For a history of Dr. LaViolette's interchange
with the Cornell archive in regard to the posting of this Pioneer
Effect paper, click